Spacing and Timing while driving

You use the concept of space in and timing everyday while driving without knowing it I am showing one of them in today’s blog.

Let’s say your vehicle as vehicle 1 and other vehicle as vehicle 2.

Distance between vehicle 1 and vehicle 2 be d and velocity of vehicle 1 wrt vehicle 2 be v . What vehicle 1 wants is to cross the road and vehicle 2 is just behind vehicle 1 without any accident. So we need to devise an algorithm here for vehicle 1 to cross the road safely.

Let’s bring in kalki and kalhi here

Kalki:-What we can do is calculate the distance between the two vehicles and algorithmically don’t cross if distance is less than say x

And cross if distance is greater than x.

Kalhi:-But that is the case when the vehicle 2 is idle but here both the vehicles are travelling with velocity v1 and v2 . So relative velocity of vehicle 2 is v2-v1. I am gonna upload blog on relative velocity on my other id named as Sagar patle. So let’s say v2-v1 as v and distance between them be d.

Now the algorithm says cross if d/v is more than t seconds and don’t cross if d/v is less than t seconds .

So in this way you cross the road with judgement and some mathematical analysis without knowing it.

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