Okay let’s consider a problem you kept a password for your mobile. Somehow, the hacker got access of your mobile’s security files. In those files your password is stored. if your password is stored in original format then hacker would cracked up your mobile and hence your mobile could get hacked. To tackle this problem your mobile password is stored in other form by the method called hashing and the series of steps used to convert that original password to other form is known as cryptography. Now,we know the basic overview of hashing and cryptography. Let’s try to encrypt one password say “Sagar123” . there are two ways to encrypt this password:- 1. Every character in the string is assigned some unique numbers known as ASCII code so what we can do is add all the ASCII codes in the given string. 2. But, the problem here is the code for “Sagar123” and code for “Saagr123” is same and we run into ambiguity. So, to tackle this problem we can use the position of characters and to get unique code for each password we can multiply that character’s position by its ASCII code for each character and add the same for all characters and we would get the unique code for that password. The method used here is very simple and could get backconverted to password from the hashcode. So, network security professionals use very complex encrypting algorithm to encrypt the passwords. If you are interested in the feld of cryptography and network security then I would suggest you to get through the works of Sir Alan Turing and his contribution in the war against Nazis during world war 2 and his remarkable machine Enigma. Thanks for reading this blog . I hope you get the basic overview of what really hashing and cryptography is. Keep in mind that there’s no such thing as formal education to get expert in any field the only thing you require is your brain and interest. Keep exploring!!